This message, related to the development of the theme, only displays on the localhost homepage to notify you of any important theme changes.

Version 1.1.0 - May 18, 2020

With this version, the theme has fully implemented static search using lunr.js. That being said, a few modifications were necessary to implement this feature.

To utilize this, or future version of Hugo Future Imperfect Slim, please make the following changes:

  1. Add the following to your config.toml before [params]:
disableLanguages = [""]

    home = ["html", "json"]

  1. Remove the underscore from all about and contact page file names: -->

  2. Add layout = "about" or layout = "contact" to all of the files you just just adjusted the file names for.

While I realize this is inconvenient, I hope that it is worth it to you in the long run. Thanks for using the theme, and feel free to submit issues as needed.

Yuri Burger


All things .NET, Java, Kubernetes, Azure, ALM, DevOps and more!

Building the next killer app

Learning by doing, teaching by sharing

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